Coil, Henry Wilson:

A Comprehensive View of Freemasonry. New York, Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company 1954. X, [2], 256, [4] w. S. OLeinwand-Band.

Nicht in Bayreuth. - „The purpose of this book is to give a brief but comprehensive view of Freemasonry from the earliest historical record of it to the present day, and to correlate and explain its development in various times and places as it spread from the British Isles over the world“ (Preface). - Minimal bestoßen, Innendeckel mit Freimaurer-Exlibris, Vorsatz mit handschriftlicher Widmung eines Freimaurers.

Schlagworte: Freimaurerei / Masonica / Freemasonry

Bestellnr. 11980

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