Gold Dust and Trowels. Nuggets of Freemasonry in the Gold Rush Days of California. San Francisco, Grand Lodge F. & A. M. of California 1977. 4°. Illustrated with numerous photographs in black & white. [10], 117, [1] S. Illustrierte OKart.
Excerpt from the Preface: „It has seemed to me most fitting that an attempt be made to develop a short excursion into the gold rush days when Masonry and Masons came to California in sufficient strength to form Masonic Lodges. Their advent became important to the forward march of civilization as they exercised their ingrained habits of charity toward their own, or indeed, toward anyone whose fortunes had fallen upon evil times in a wild and unsettled country. In preparing to write a popular paperback larded with pictures, I was struck by the great paucity of pictures currently available in the more than 60 Masonic Organization's homes I knew were tucked away among the gold diggings, the mother lode towns, and the coastal cities, in which I have for more than forty years lived. Hence this attempt to pique your interest, both Mason and non-Mason alike, with a brief recount of their beginnings and exploits.“ - Umschlag minimal fleckig, sonst gutes Exemplar.