Westman, Robert S. / McGuire, J. E.:

Hermeticism and the Scientific Revolution. Papers read at a Clark Library Seminar, March 9, 1974 by Robert S. Westman [&] J. E. McGuire. Los Angeles, William Andrews Clark Memorial Library University of California 1977. Gr.-8°. With 4 figures and 8 plates in the text. [6],150, [4] w. S. OKart.

Includes: I. Magical Reform and Astronomical Reform: The Yates Thesis Reconsidered. By Robert S. Westman (S.1-91). II. Neoplatonism and Active Principles: Newton and the Corpus Hermeticum. By J. E. McGuire. (S.93-150). - Umschlag minimal fleckig, sonst gutes Exemplar.

Schlagworte: Hermetik / Philosophie / Geschichte der Wissenschaften / Marsilio Ficino / Giordano Bruno / John Dee / Tommaso Campanella / Robert Fludd

Bestellnr. 8226

Preis: 45,00 EUR