Hitler’s Last Year of Power. London, Andrew Dakers Limited 1939. 191, [1] S. OLeinwand.
First edition. - Contents: Foreword. 1. Fundamentals of the German State. 2. Germany’s Horoskope. 3. Hitler against Germany. 4. Hitler and the Party. 5. Forecast of Hitler’s End. 6. There will be no Great War. 7. Chamberlain and Hitler. 8. Chamberlain’s Opponents. 9. Roosevelt’s decisive Part. 10. The Duality of Hitler. 11. The coming Break in the Axis. 12. This fateful September. 13. Göring, Goebbels and others. 14. The dropped Pilots will return. 15. The future of Europe and its Leaders. Epilogue. A Key to astrological Terms.