Illustrations of Masonry. By William Preston, Past Master of the Lodge of Antiquity, acting by immemorial constitution. [...] The first American improved edition, from Strahan’s tenth London edition: to which is annexed, many valuable Masonic addenda; and a complete list of the Lodges in the United States of America. Edited by Brother George Richards, P.G.S.G.L.M. Portsmouth [New Hampshire, USA], Printed by W. & D. Treadwell 1804. XXIV, S.[25]-400. Halb-Leder-Band des 19. Jahrhunderts mit goldgeprägtem Rückenschild.
Mit zahlreichen Zusätzen vermehrte Ausgabe. „Eins der inhaltreichsten und trefflichsten englischen Werke über Freimaurerei...“ (K.). - The editor’s preface is dated: „Portsmouth, Newhampshire, December 10th, 5804“ (p. vi). With index (p. ix-xxi), and a list of the subscribers (p. xxi-xxiv). Divided into four books: I. The excellency of Masonry displayed (p. 25-40). II. General remarks: including an illustration of the lectures; a particular description of the Ancient Ceremonies; and the Charges used in the different degrees (p. 41-106). III. The principles of Masonry explained (p. 107-128). IV. The history of Masonry in England, &c. (p. 129-208). Followed by seven appendices: 1. Containing notes, masonic, historical, critical, and elucidative (p. 209-332). 2. Elegant and spirited refutation of Barruel, Robinson, Payson, and Morse; from [David] Everett’s oration before Mount-Vernon Lodge [at Washington]; with Stoddard’s critical notes, from his address (p. 333-354). 3. History of Freemasonry in New-Hampshire. From the pen of Layman Spalding (p. 355-362). 4. Funeral obsequies of the illustrious Brother Washington, as solemnized by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, February 11, 1800 (p. 363-366). 5. Masonic eulogy: by the hon. Brother Timothy Bigelow. Pronounced in presence of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts; -and sacred to the Memory, of the Life, Character, and Services, of the illustrious Brother Georg Washington (p. 367-379). 6. Select anthems, odes and hymns (p. 380-387). 7. An alphabetical list of the Pricipal Lodges in the United States; [...] (p.388-400). - Einband beschabt, oberes Kapital gering eingerissen und etwas abgerieben. Durchgehend gebräunt und deutlich stockfleckig, vereinzelt auch schmutzfleckig, S.25 mit zeitgenössischem Besitzvermerk in Tinte. 10 Blatt etwas eingerissen, 7 Blatt mit Ausrissen im weißen Rand, davon 2 hinterlegt. Das letzte Blatt mit hinterlegtem Ausriß und etwas Textverlust (es fehlen dadurch 8 Namen in der Logenliste).