Le Morte Darthur. The Original Edition of William Caxton Now Reprinted and Edited with an Introduction and Glossary by H. Oskar Sommer, PH. D. With an Essay on Malory’s Prose Style by Andrew Lang, M. A. 3 Volumes [bound in 2 Volumes]. London, Published by David Nutt 1889-91. 4°. - Volume I: Text. X, [4] Bl., 861, [1] w. S., [1] Bl. - Volume II: Introduction. With 1 folded table. VII, [3], 230 S., [1] Bl. - [bound with] Volume III: Studies on the Sources. With 3 folded tables. XXV, [3], 338 S., [1] Bl. Halb-Pergament-Bände der Zeit mit goldgeprägten roten Leder-Rückenschildern.
Volume I with the reprint of the first Caxton edition of 1485. Volume II & III comprise much bibliographical and critical discussion, a list of names and places, and a glossary. - Unbeschnittenes Exemplar, Einbände etwas fleckig und berieben, 2 gefaltete Tabellen mit sauber hinterlegten Einrissen.
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