Ritual of the Mystery of the Judgment of the Soul. [Selections from the Book of the Dead.] From an ancient Egyptian papyrus [or rather from various papyri], translated and edited by M. W. Blackden, S.R.I.A., VII°., Late of the Archæological Survey Egypt Exploration Fund. Edmonds, WA, The Alexandian Press [Holmes Publishing Group] 1988. 27, [1] S. Illustrierte OKart.
Neudruck, zur englischen Originalausgabe: London, Bernard Quaritch for the Society Rosicruciana in Anglia (no date) [1914], vgl. Küntz, Darcy: The Golden Dawn Source Works: A Bibliography 26a. Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia. High Council Library [London]. Catalogue. Subject index. Margate, W. J. Parrett, Ltd., Printers 1926. S.47, No.737.
S. R. I. A.
Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia