The Theoretic Arithmetic of the Pythagoreans. Introductory Essay by Manly [Palmer] Hall. York Beach, Maine, Samuel Weiser 1991. With 2 plates, and 2 portraits and some figures in the text. XVI, XXXV, [1], 248 S. OKart.
Nachdruck der 1816 in London erschienenen Ausgabe mit dem Titel „Theoretic Arithmetic in three books; containing the substance of all that has been written on this subject by Theo of Smyrna, Nicomachus, Iamblichus, and Boetius. - Together with some remarkable particulars respecting perfect, amicable, and other numbers, which are not to be found in the writings of any ancient or modern mathematicians. Likewise, a specimen of the manner in which the Pythagoreans philosophized about numbers; and a developement of their mystical and theological arithmetic.“ Mit einer Einleitung zum Nachdruck von Manly Palmer Hall (1901-1990). - Gutes Exemplar.